If You Had A Finished Basement Growing Up, You Were A Loser

New snake draft just dropped on The Dog Walk today. Our guy Bob Fox joined the show and we each took stabs at building the PERFECT basement. Here were the categories:

- Piece of Furniture
- Wall/Table Decoration
- Recreational game
- System with 1 game
- Miscellaneous feature

Now I'll admit - the title was kinda/sorta/def click bait-y, but it doesn't mean it's fully incorrect. If you had the fully finished basement with a bar, pool table, bathroom/shower/ carpet, Italian leather couches, etc. growing up, chances are you were being used by your "friends" for said basement. That's not a guarantee, but the possibility exists. 

HOWEVER... if you're a young adult and have turned your basement into an awesome mancave, you're cool and people like you. Big difference. Take this guy's basement for example - it's sweet as fuck

But still. The best basements growing up were those that were half ass finished; no carpet aside from a shitty throw rug, shitty fridge with cheap domestic light beer, shitty TV and a shitty folding table used for beer pong. 

Goddamnit, I loved those times. Nay, WE loved those times. Those shitty basements were where the memories were made. You could spill food/drinks/booze, put holes in walls, and generally fuck the entire basement up and it'd be okay. That's what it was there for. For troubled youth to act like troubled youth. That's why it should come as no shock that Carl drafted "bar" for his feature, without giving away too many spoilers.

Nevertheless, the Basement draft is LIVE!!! Shout out to Bob Fox for coming on the show.

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